Thursday, August 9, 2012

hall camp is over. and i would say that i enjoyed it. although i haven really made any really close really reliable friends but hey one step at a time right? soon school is really starting and things will get really busy. i hope it does actually so that i wouldn't have much time to fester and think too much or miss babe too much. he's going into army soon and i would say that the future is bleak. but somehow part of me really feel that it is gonna be alright in the end. cause love would prevail. it would bring us back together when we're lost. when we forgot what loving each other feels like. i really truly want to believe it. it's gonna be really tough. but if it's meant to be it's meant to be right? i honestly can't imagine life without you. i mean you're the one who i go to when things get shitty. you're the one whom i look for to share a good news with. good or bad you're the one that i want to experience and go through it with. that shld mean something isn't it? it scares me how relationships could end so easily. i don't know.
basically all i want to say is, i really really wish with the bottom of my heart that everything would turn out fine and that the upcoming 4-6 years would not break us up. i believe we can do it! but believing and doing it is totally different so yea. i hope that you have some faith. i want you to have faith. have faith in me just like how i have faith in you. us. we can do it if we want to. =) may the force be with us and come what may, i will always love you till the end of time. :)

1 comment:

  1. tts sth wrong with the cbox so im commenting here. and aww alison so sweet. i love you too!^^
