Saturday, December 11, 2010

fking tired.. =/
it's like some energy sucker sucks all the energy out of me.
mahjong-ed at Lewis's house for 5 hours and i lost 50cents.
...ouh well... at least had fun.. =)
went to look for samuel and louis aft tt.. =)
heehee! was quite fun! watched Rupunzel..
so sweeeeet! =) makes me a wee bit not so cynical anymore..
but still cynical.
still... don't we all wish for our own happy ending?
all we tried and do and things we went through is just to look for tt happy ending right?
ouh well.

Yi and Love went overseas liaooooo!
=( miss them alr.
haiz.. so tired.. 1 more week!
and school will be over and holidays will start! =)

LTT is damn tiring.. =/
stand the whole day and file and saw and drill the damn metal plate.
i'm gonna have muscles aft this whole thing end man..
lots of things happened i guess...
Alina's in a relationship alr..
with i dunno..
not a very good idea.. but i can't do anything bout it but just hope tt everything will be fine and nth will change...
it's going to the end of the year.
and what a year it had been. =/
hope i have the courage to do something before the end of the year.
i keep chickening out..
gotta remind myself tt i've got nth to lose and everything to gain.
hope i'm able to do it and not regret it.
bye.loveyou. :D

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