Wednesday, November 17, 2010

i'm in a TS mode now.
tt's Taylor Swift.
hahahaha! no thx to Pig.
i love Speak Now. hahaz! it's so cute... and it makes me want to do something crazy.. LOL!
like.. just go to one church wedding of a stranger or something...
live through with all the preaching and god loves you if you love god thingy then when the priest/preacher/idunnowho say "speak now or forever hold your peace" then i just stand up and go... "NOOOOO! dun do it! i'm having ur baby!" HAHAHAHA! or something.
ok.. i'm just imagining... but it's fun. LOL!

things are fine i guess...
the worse are over.. =/
if i'm not wrong...
am i going to jinx the good part if i say it out? =/
let's hope not..
anyway! i think i'm getting sick of facebook...
it's boring.. there's not much to do except stalk my new Meat guy...
other than tt i think it just sucks.
it gives me see things tt i dun like. =/
and make me feel guilty. even though it may or may not be of my concern.
ok... it has nth to do with me... seriously. i shld stop freaking out.
just 5 random things i wanna say now.

1. i wanna go clubbing now. =(
2. i'm glad i told A wad's on my mind. about the orange thingy. hopefully she gets it.
3. seeing the Meat guy makes my heart race. and go giggly and crazy and retarded. BUT DAMN HOT!
4. i'm growing fat. stupid fats just loves me.

i think there's some others.. but i can't rmb it halfway typing it.. =/
I NEED TO START STUDYING! =( damnnn... shit. ok.
and i shld really stop Pokering with the guys in class. it's distracting.
but then again if you're sitting where i am sitting it's impossible not to be tempted considering the fact tt three person around you is doing the same thing.
study alison! study!

drop everything now.
meet me in the pouring rain.
kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain. =)

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