Sunday, February 7, 2010

hahaz! heard it on radio. old songs never dies.

realised that we can't live without each other for more than a week.
anything more and we'll be cranky and emotional.
LOL! it's nice in a way... =)
the last few weeks of end of sem is always the worst.
but it's ok! we shall survive! =D!

anyway airshow was not bad i guess..not as awesome as last year though..hahaz! not tt i went to last year's..but i heard it was more awesome.. =)
saw lots of cute ang moh's.. i'm like in my own element..hahaz!
shall post pictures if i got it! realised tt i haven been posting pictures for a long tym alr..
hehe. ok. i'm so hungry now damnit.
was a real pig in the aftnoon.
slept till 12+ then went back to slp aft lunch at 2 and snoozed my alarm for one whole hour tt my alarm was fed up and off-ed it by it's own.
LOL! i'm ah-maz-ing! =D!
ended up waking up at 5+... hence i'm till up now at this bloody hour..
going sleep! BYEEEE! =D!

trying to make myself as small as possible to the world so that you
can't see the feelings i have for you.

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