Friday, August 17, 2007

=( / ((:


omg...i'm super super super tired now...
days of late night plus one super late night almost killed me...
todae has been...bad...
everythin sumhow went wrong when ur mind is half slpin...

gave out my thing todae..((:
feel happy to see all the surprised faces...all those happy faces...
make me feel tt my work had been accomplished(?)...
rushed home yest to make cookies...
rushed back home frm tuition to write the letters...
kena scolded by mum cuz i used her tupperware to keep the cookies frm lou feng-ing...
slept at 12+ 1 cuz felt very sad...
woke up still feel damn sad and emo-ed the whole journey to sch...
but i got over it alr...
apparently getting over sadness is pretty easy...
just watch two hours of super sweet romantic tv shows and delete everythin tt cuz the unhappiness...
funny...sweet romantic tv shows realli realli do the trick...
2 hours before wad i wanted to post is totally diff frm wad i post now..hahaz..

and it's been a long time since pri 1 tt i cried in school...
everythin just piled up and then aft i see my horrible chi marks...i couldn't take it anymore...
so i cried...and i cried again durin cme...was sittin there..stoning...then tink tink tink..then tears just started to fall..
spent my half of the trng torturin my juniors..hahaz..
felt a little better?
hahaz..feel damn evil..
made them do jumping jacks..wahahahahahahahahahahaz!
now i noe how my coaches feel when they're torturin us..lolx!
i bet they are cursing me and bitchin bout me behind my back..ouh was pretty worth it
lolx!!was super tired so din talk much aftr trng...

now i'm tryin to tink wad makes me so sad and hurt..
ouh well..i's a good thing..((:
and to those who ate my cookies..pls! drink lots of water!! tt freaking thin is freakin sweet so drink lots of water k?
dun fall sick..((:
and did u feel the love inside? hahaz...
love you guys..((:
oh!and one more thing..i wanna thank my husband for tryin to cheer me up todae...thx lots!!
it meant alot to ya!! =D!!!!

and i love my dad more and more =D!
he's freaking cute lahz..hahaz..kk..
better go slp soon or i'll stone durin maths tuition tmr...

would you be there for me?
cuz i noe i'll be there for you...
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! =)

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