Thursday, December 30, 2010
considering the fact that my two sisters are arguing pretty much everytime they see each other and that both my parents are pretty much menopausing at the same time and are at each other's throats whenever they can...
things could be much worse.
so tired.
everything just seems to be happening at the same time.
i can't wait for this year to be over and done with.
there's just too many bad stuff happened this year that could last a whole lifetime.
so many mis-communication and pretty sick of cleaning up messes and everything.
oh gosh. this is getting fking depressing.
seriously right now ignorance is bliss.
let's just hope the new year would be better.
i could use some clubbing right now.
ladies night now and i'm stuck at home where it doesn't feel like home.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
just came back frm KL! :D
heehee! had a pretty good time there... =)
needed it too... to get away frm the bad stuff.. =/
was seriously scared shitless. like LITERALLY.
wtf. not going through tt again man. never.
went into KL and visited one of my godma..
it seems like i have loads of godma.. hahaz! quite cool!
they bought us up to this mountain.. like Genting except it's not Genting..
it's like a French themed resort.
quite cool... the weather also like cool cool one.. :D
very relaxing...
then the next day went down and shop and everything... ate like a pig seriously.
din buy anything cause nth caught my eye.. =(
ok... i lazy blog liao..
zzz.... bye!
Monday, December 20, 2010

AHAHAHAHA! funny shit.
totally wad i am thinking when i listen to that song man.
seriously. it's a stupid song.
if you dunno wad song it is... it's Bruno Mars - Grenade.
basically it's about this guy whining about how the girl is a bad woman cause he gave her all his love and all she did was throw away and wadever shit it is and that even so he would still catch a grenade for her and jump in front of a train for her.
like.. ooooookay...
HELLO?! nobody asked you to do tt right? the girl din ask you to catch a grenade for her.. although where the hell does the grenade come frm i dunno lah.. but still...
and puhlease... a guy who din two time a girl is alr a huge thing and something tt we dun see often.
so please dun give me the bullshit about how the girl treat you bad.
i believe in karma. if the girl really did tt then i guess you deserve it or maybe she found out you had an affair and probably take revenge.
ok.. i dunno why i'm like bitching about this stupid song but seriously it's a stupid song and i guess i'm so cynical right now i think this song is total bullshit.
and to tell the truth. this kind of guy doesn't exist.
be happy if he is even half as good as he say he is.
well! guess this year has made me this awfully cynical person but then again.
people change.
and THAT is an understatement.
miss them soooo damn much! feels like a super long time since i see wanyi.. =/
and i wanna go clubbing.
yes. i shld start looking for a permanent fix clubbing partner.
it's booked all the way.
so i dun really see wad difference it makes even if it's holiday..but still thankful for the break!
for two weeks i'm not going to wear shoessssssss and a huge polo tee! (Y)
oh yea.
may you NOT be as cynical as me!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

seriously. i shld stop being so kuku. it's making me sick.
ok! stop thinking and get my head out of my arse (figure of speech)... and do something productive.
yepp! =)
oh! and i almost won a guy in arm wrestling today. =)
which i think i could win if i wasn't laughing so hard at how i could win him.
hehehe. maybe i shld stop embarassing guys.
hmmm... there's an idea.
shld save them some face.
but then again... wad's the use of getting tt much muscles frm sawing and filing and cutting and not use them?
hehehe... ok fine.
you can stop looking at me like i'm some retard. tyvm.
just 4 more days of school.
jiayou! i can do it! =)
i shall stop regretting the actions i've alr made.
no use regretting anyway.
get your head straight alison.
oh yea.. december holidays here i come. =D
i can't wait to see you burn.
don't say you're sorry now, cause i just don't care.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
it's like some energy sucker sucks all the energy out of me.
mahjong-ed at Lewis's house for 5 hours and i lost 50cents.
...ouh well... at least had fun.. =)
went to look for samuel and louis aft tt.. =)
heehee! was quite fun! watched Rupunzel..
so sweeeeet! =) makes me a wee bit not so cynical anymore..
but still cynical.
still... don't we all wish for our own happy ending?
all we tried and do and things we went through is just to look for tt happy ending right?
ouh well.
Yi and Love went overseas liaooooo!
=( miss them alr.
haiz.. so tired.. 1 more week!
and school will be over and holidays will start! =)
LTT is damn tiring.. =/
stand the whole day and file and saw and drill the damn metal plate.
i'm gonna have muscles aft this whole thing end man..
lots of things happened i guess...
Alina's in a relationship alr..
with Nicholas...like... i dunno..
not a very good idea.. but i can't do anything bout it but just hope tt everything will be fine and nth will change...
it's going to the end of the year.
and what a year it had been. =/
hope i have the courage to do something before the end of the year.
i keep chickening out..
gotta remind myself tt i've got nth to lose and everything to gain.
hope i'm able to do it and not regret it.
bye.loveyou. :D
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

i shld stop deploying the self destruction mode in me.
it's not making things any better.
but i dunno how to stop it.
it seems to turn on automatically.
i think i need a slap or two in the face. =/
some things are really jinx.
you can't speak it out. you just gotta keep it to urself...
even if it kills you. =/
if not wad you thot wouldn't happen will happen.
sometimes i just wish i have a time turner.
cause i'd love to turn back time and tell my past self to not do that-thing-that's-gonna-change-everything.
cause you'll hate urself for doing it. and you would think... why the hell did i do such a thing.
can't i see that it's wrong?!
if only my future self would appear now... and tell me wad i'm going to do wrongly.
then i'll stop doing the wrong thing.
wouldn't it be nice?
damn. i hate regretting things.
it's ok. get over and done with.
it may be a blessing in disguise. =)
or so i hope. it better be.
and right now i smell like somebody dumped a huge packet of icing sugar on me.
i shall bathe. bye! =)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
tt's Taylor Swift.
hahahaha! no thx to Pig.
i love Speak Now. hahaz! it's so cute... and it makes me want to do something crazy.. LOL!
like.. just go to one church wedding of a stranger or something...
live through with all the preaching and god loves you if you love god thingy then when the priest/preacher/idunnowho say "speak now or forever hold your peace" then i just stand up and go... "NOOOOO! dun do it! i'm having ur baby!" HAHAHAHA! or something.
ok.. i'm just imagining... but it's fun. LOL!
things are fine i guess...
the worse are over.. =/
if i'm not wrong...
am i going to jinx the good part if i say it out? =/
let's hope not..
anyway! i think i'm getting sick of facebook...
it's boring.. there's not much to do except stalk my new Meat guy...
other than tt i think it just sucks.
it gives me see things tt i dun like. =/
and make me feel guilty. even though it may or may not be of my concern.
ok... it has nth to do with me... seriously. i shld stop freaking out.
just 5 random things i wanna say now.
1. i wanna go clubbing now. =(
2. i'm glad i told A wad's on my mind. about the orange thingy. hopefully she gets it.
3. seeing the Meat guy makes my heart race. and go giggly and crazy and retarded. BUT DAMN HOT!
4. i'm growing fat. stupid fats just loves me.
i think there's some others.. but i can't rmb it halfway typing it.. =/
I NEED TO START STUDYING! =( damnnn... shit. ok.
and i shld really stop Pokering with the guys in class. it's distracting.
but then again if you're sitting where i am sitting it's impossible not to be tempted considering the fact tt three person around you is doing the same thing.
study alison! study!
drop everything now.
meet me in the pouring rain.
kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain. =)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
i really don't. not a single bit.
things shouldn't be so complicated!
i mean if you doesn't want to do something. then don't!
nobody's forcing you!
nobody's holding a knife to your throat and force you to do it.
if you don't like it. then reject. say no.
as hard as it is to reject someone... you gotta learn to stick up for urself.
say that, no. i'm not doing it. i hate this stupid shit and i'm not going to do it.
not over my dead body.
you wan to do this shit you get someone else to do. if not do it urself.
it's hard. but not something that cannot be done.
and if you really can't do it. then too bad.
suck it up. admit to it. feel bad. then MOVE THE FUCK ON.
don't fking wallow in ur own stupid misery. cause NEWSFLASH! no one fking cares.
or those who SHOULD care doesn't care.
and if you still can't get over it.
do something about it.
trying to run away from a matter doesn't help. cause the problem would still be there..
just waiting to get bigger.. and bigger.
you sweep it all under the bed... the dust would just accumulate overtime.
and sooner or later you still HAVE TO get tt stupid shit out under the bed.
it's not going to go away until you throw it out of ur room and out of ur life.
this is all getting fking ridiculous.
it all stop making sense. altogether. at once.
i'm not getting any of it.
i don't get why things can't be simple.
just live ur life. stay happy. shit happens. remove the shit.. continue living happily.
it's easy.
it's just whether you want to make it hard or not.
sometimes it's really good to be ignorant.
why think so much? it's not going to help matters.
you'll just kill more limited brain cells.
not that it would help the situation... it just make things even worse.
they shld invent some device to off the thinking mode.
i'm sure they will earn loads of money.
maybe i shld invent it.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
i know.. just started.. study wad?!
but i need to! but i can't be bothered.. =/
i'm contradicting..
i need to study.
i hate this.
i hate tt my classmates are crazy and hardcore muggers.
and i hate tt i'm being influenced by them and making me stress.
although my parents would be happy..zzz..
screw this. one chap also good.
feck. but one chap is like 50 pages.
it's fine i guess..
had almost a nervous breakdown when i'm on my way to school.. =/
scary.. was freaking out..
and thinking whether i can click with the new group of classmates..
oh! and being almost late on the first day is freaky and horrible..
but then things went ok as it goes..
found out i'm gonna be in the same class as karen.
i dunno if it's a good or bad thing.. but the fact tt we're still tgt explains some fate i guess..
i got my new eye candy! :D
hahahaha! super cute. and hot. and buff. and handsome.
fish era is so over.
let's have some meat instead. :D
Sunday, October 31, 2010
i guess. it'll blow over...
things will be fine..
i'm fine...
everything's gonna be fine!
stay positive. and optimistic. =)
school's starting tmr!
=/ i hope i can survive it.
note to self : don't fall aslp. AND don't be late.
time to start my new year's resolution...
may be a wee bit late.. but better late than never right?
jiayou! i can do it! =)
i'm gonna chiong more Gossip Girl before school starts!
Chuck is freaking awesome... hehehe!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
it's like you need so much energy to be defensive and think on ur toes to find a retort back.
it's so mentally and physically tiring.
but you can't help it.
sometimes you just slip right into the bitchy mode and you can't control it.
argh. suck ass.
feel so tired right now.
lot of things have changed.
good or bad i have no idea..
and change is coming again.
i hate changes.
i hate it.
i hate the uncertainties.
how you never know wad's going to happen... and how things will turn out. and how things will be like.
why can't things just stay the same?
at the same place? at the same time? at the same emotions?
i'm whining.
and i miss love and yi and youm so damn much.
things are changing.
i can feel it.
and i don't like it.
not one bit.
it's horrible.
argh! fk this shit.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
basically it's not really my fault. i mean.. i din hold a knife to his throat and screw with his feelings purposely.
so it's not my fault wad!
but then i still feel guilty! but i dun think i shld feel guilty wad!
i mean i've given blatant and in-your-face hints that it's impossible...
so i didn't give wrong or false hope wad!
and in my defense! if i seem too friendly or close or giving false hope... it's because i know how it feels like! I KNOW how shitty it feels if i din reply...
ok... so maybe it's partly my fault... BUT! NOT MY FAULT WAD!
shld have feelings one then not even a single feel.
shldn't have feelings one jiu got feel. wad's this?!
bloody hell.
now i'm gonna have shitloads of bad karma.
like i din have enough fromthe previous one. damnit.
shit man. i'm so sorry. i really din mean to hurt someone. =/
i'm a bitch.
like mind-blowing awesomeee! AHHHHHHHH!
damn gooood!
omg.... was super duper high and i've never screamed so hard in my entire life before!
it's like freaking legendary seriously!
and some fking sadistic shit asshole is screwing with my hamsters! =/
now i have 4 babies which have not open it's eyes yet WITHOUT a mother.
somebody took the mother man... sadistic shit!
it was there before i left lorh!
damnit. now dunno how sia... sonofa....
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
was pretty awesome. :D
think there are mroe cute guys there than the first time i went there.
heh. hot!
caliente hot.
din get really high cause i din drink much.. but it was still good... :D
at first the DJ was super sucky and the music sucks.. but a change of DJ later the party was on!
hahaz! freaking good.
went back to Felicia's house and slept.
so tired.
woke up at 9am and went home.
supposed to go swim and tan but the freaking weather hates us and rained for the entire day.
crashed at Pig's sofa. :D
and just lazed around for the rest of the day.
and ohmygod. my nail polish illuminates under the disco lights!
freaking nice. i likeeeee. heh.
anyway. work tmr. ouh well. looking on the bright side at least it's only one day and soon it'll be the weekends alr!
jiayou alison! you can do it!
and i'm so sorry if i din reply msges or stop replying msges halfway.. =/
just really damn sian and lazy to reply. =(
and i'm starting to hate bus uncle drivers. =/
stupid bloodsuckers.
heh. speaking of bloodsuckers...
watched Vampire Suck at Pig's today.
LOL! thank god we din buy a movie tix to watch it.
but it was still awesome going gaga over Liam aka Edward body.
heh. awesome... :D
gotta slp! before i zombiefy in the office tmr.
i shall ride this storm out. =)
PIG! hope you get tt Candy Empire job! :D
good luckkkk!
Monday, September 27, 2010
=/ i just know it.
i know that wad i did will hurt someone.. but i did it anyway.
i have my reasons. but i dun think my reasons are enough to do it.
but i did it.
damn. i'm screwed up.
i really dun feel like working tmr.
and everything feels very very weird and wrong and weird.. =/
and i need to slp soon...
haiz. life's a bitch.
i'm a bitch.
and if anybody can really outbitch me.. he or she is the bitch of the bitch.
i dun think buying good karma tissue is enough. =/
i need to stop doing bad karma stuff.
someone stop me?
hate that youm yi and love are having their A's...
we can't spend more time. =(
and i dun think i have the energy to go all the way down to look for them anymore.
and tt's kind of sad.
cause all along i've pride myself into being able to go all the way down to look for them even though i'm tired.
but now it's like i'm using the rest of my energy left to drag myself home from work and to spend what's left of the time i have with my family.
i'm even getting lazy to msg.
i think working sucks ALL the energy and good alison.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
i dunno... it's wad i expected i guess.. but i din expect me to feel so disappointed with myself.
i guess even though i expected the worst i'm still kinda hoping that i'm wrong and it'll be good.
dad really wants me to get into a uni. =/
he said it doesn't matter wad uni i went to... as long as i get into one.
but then... other courses wouldn't be what i want or interested in.
and i know it's not the end of the world.. like there's other alternatives..
like go work then earn money.. then go for private uni.. but it's just not the same.
you can say that it's the same all you want. but IT'S. JUST. NOT. THE. SAME.
and i feel like i dun have the time if i have to work and earn money then go study...
it feels like my dad is running out of time...
and it kinda freaks me out.
which is probably why i really want to get into a uni i guess.. =/
and no, you wouldn't know how it feels.
so dun try to make it seem like you know how it feels.
you may think that you know how it feels.. and maybe to a certain extend you know.. but it's different.
i feel so pissed at myself right now.
i dunno why. or maybe i do.
or maybe it's just the hormones.
i'll blame it on the hormones for now.
cause if it's not the hormones then it's something that i dun even want to go there.
Friday, September 24, 2010
saw a freaking god damn cockroach when i left the house to go take the lift.
fking huge ass cockroach on the side of the lift door.. and fking flew..
scared the fk out of me.. walau...
then during lunch.. went somewhere nearby but not nearby for lunch...
was stuck there cuz it was raining... couldn't wait any longer and decided to brave the rain.
which turns out to be a bad idea...
cuz my sandals couldn't withstand it and BOTH of the spoilt.
was half drenched in the rain.
fell when my sandals spoilt.. skinning my knee...
which still hurts till now.. =(
oh! and my period came... and i din bring any pad.. and had to ask frm one of the colleague.. which is still not tt bad lah.. but still..
ouh well..
thank god karen got extra slipper!
ouh well..
just felt like..whining and complaining...
i think i'm getting used to office job.
although i still hate it.
i'm growing fatter day by day.
and TGIF.
i need the break.
before my eyes pop out of its socket and run far far away frm me.
and i probably shld be slping right now.
hee! i love you!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
and i feel so helpless not knowing wadi can do for her.. i dun even know what to say to her to make her not feel sad..=/
i think i'm such a lousy sister...
or maybe... i just dunno what to say to her.. =/
she kinda freaks me out a little.. ouh well...
hope she feels fine soon!
anyway.. work has been fine i guess.. not as boring as i thought it would be.. at least i'm actually using my brain for most of the part.
and i get to learn some pretty cool but quite useless functions on the freaking excel like the vlookup... which causes my brain to be overloaded.
the ppl there are pretty nice too i guess.. hahaz! for now lahz... still new.. everything still nice...
but then i hate going to work.. =/
i hate taking the train when everyone is so bitchy and cranky.
it's like.. being part of the morning rush brings out the bitch in you.
i hate it! =(
ouh well..
at least i earned back my kpop tix money in 2 days... :D
so hungry now.. =/ zzz
and dad/mum got us MIO TVVVVVV!
there's not much stuff though.. just the sport channels.. (Y).
big match tmrrrrrr! heeheehee!
shiok! can watch!
and i hate to say this but i miss him... =/
like.. SUPER long nv see him...tt's a big contrast lorh!
normally i can see him like.. everyday at sch.. =/
and i dun want to miss him!
i want to stop.
stop liking him.
i need.... a rebound guy... :D
how bout.. Barney Stinson?
hahahaha... okok... wad a change of topic...
ouh well... finally! a normal post..
and i'm being paranoid right now... and i really dun wan anybody else to read sooo i'm locking!
just type type ur email lahhhh ok? love love!
try to update more often so ur type type is worth it k? :D
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
and ungrateful...
and so not appreciative with what i have.
i got a freaking job even when i dun really want it.
but pig and louis is looking for one and they dun even have it.
i need to stop whining...
i shall go and work! and earn money! so i can buy tt damn kpop ticket that cost 121bucks!
jiayou alison! you will survive 2-3 weeks of mind-numbing boredom!
oh who the hell am i kidding. zzz.
may the force be with me to survive this shit.
and i forgot wad i want to say alr. nice
ahhhh so damn tired.
haiz... bye!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
like i'm sick of all these bullshit.
all these i'm not good enough to be your friend so i'll just be your hi and bye friend.
why can't she just stop thinking?!
if you're happy with something... then just do!
why go psycho urself into not doing it?!
freaking irritated.
like we're not having enough problems alr.
wadever. i'm over it.
hahahaha! it's freaking relaxing and pretty much half the time is spent in the pretty awesome and hypnotising bed...
sort of disappointed in some ways.. but it's still nto that bad.. :D
anyway... i lost my mood to blog alr!
think i'm getting lazier.. =/
till later! :D
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
hahaz! :D excited!!
PIG! i'll miss you super much ok?!
i'll be back before you know it!!
and remember that whenever you're missing me i'm also missing you at tt moment!
for real! =)
besides! it's shorter than Norway trip rmb? hahaha!
YOUM AND YI! (yi doesn't know this blog yet.. someone tell her? thx! :D)
but you guys must study hard ok?
heehee! i see wad goodies i can get for you girls!
you girls are the best in the world and i know you know! :D
miss me ok? i'll miss you girls!
MAYBE i'll get purple hair when i come back! :D
heeheeheehee! excited!
and i'm gonna go see my Godma!
the last time i saw her was... when i was 3 or 4 yrs old?
i dun even have any vague memories bout it..
so it's like meeting a whole new person...
kinda weird.. but hopefully everything will be fine! and she's as nice as what my sister say!
anyway... i really dunno what to feel bout karen.
but it's ok. i dun realyl care anymore..
if she is nice to me.. i'll just accept it...
maybe i'm thinking abit too much i guess...
ouh well...
gotta be more careful i guess..
anyway... i'm too excited for later alr!
not thinking straight! lalalalalalala... i'll bitch more when i come back..
2 weeeeeeeeks!
soon soon!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
or maybe it's just my internet.
fking tired now.
slept for 4 - 5 hours last night only.
alina came over and had htht ftf.
LOL! youm.. heehee!
talked bout LOADS of stuff.
i'm just too lazy to say it here.
things are pretty complicated also.. ouh well.
slept at 6am and woke up at 11 plus i think.
zzz.. being a zombie now.
anyway! went to sentosa today! :D
hahaz! i pretty much love my class.
they're really pretty awesome...
or the guys are...
i seriously feel tt guys are just more carefree and does not have so much problems and conflict as girls do.
it's like girls are more sensitive and guys are just easier to talk to.
or maybe it's just me.
played soccer with them...
hahaz! and i'm pretty proud to say tt at least i've score a goal ok?!
and it's nice playing with the guys... cuz they wouldn't dare play rough with you if you're a girl and you can play rough with them and it makes it easier for girls to win over the ball...
heehee! :D
sun was pretty awesome.
not too blazing hot but din realyl rain anyway..
love the weather!
hahaz! thot it would rain or something.. but luckily it didn't!
i got sand buried by the guys.. LOL!
it was quite cool though.
staying inside the sand and being piled a ton of sand on you which weighed like a 100kg is pretty fun!
hahahaha! :D
went to bathe then subway-ed with them aft tt... :D
ahhhh.. tired like shit.
i also dunno wad i'm doing..
the only person tt knows bout this blog is pig and youm.
it's pretty retarded.. nvm...
too tired to think anyway.
oh! but one thing i hate bout this kind of bonding session over with my class clique is that...
the feelings towards HIM is always stronger.
and i have no idea what to do with it.
it's not easy to be rid of it. =/
and as much as i dun wan these feelings to be there.. i sort of want those feelings to be there.
and damn he look way too hot half naked alr.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
thank god sem 2.1 is over!
it's like the shittiest sem ever. and if any upcoming semester is gonna outbeat this shit sem... it's gonna be like living hell i swear.
this shit sem is like... really bad. but in a way.. it pretty much shows who we really are i guess.
guess the turning point was the AEL freshie camp.
aft tt.. it seems like all hell broke lose.
but then it's not that bad i guess. i got to know someone who somehow one way or the other would be a part of my life no matter how small it is.
and now whenever i see a BnJ ice cream it'll never be just a BnJ ice cream.
in a good way lahh. i guess..
i also had lots of firsts... first date. first stayover. first overnight movie with frens.
lots tt i dun think it's wise to say it here.. hahaz! :D
ANYWAY! i dunno... i guess through everything we know who our true frens are...
things happened for a reason i guess.
there were some regrets too...but then again... i dun think i shld regret it..
i mean... if i were worth fighting for... something shld happened shldn't it?
but i guess i wasn't. not for someone anyway.
there were lots of chances. but it wasn't taken.
so i guess i shldn't cry over someone who doesn't think i'm worth the fight right?
besides! if it is fated... nothing could ever stand in the way.
but seeing as how fated we are.. the chances of anything happening would be zero.
ouh well. i'm sure i'll get over it. =)
although it's taking a longer time than i thought it would.
stupid little thing creeping into my mind without me knowing.
and when i knew how much it meant it was too late.
some things i'll never forget though. but it's ok. cause i wouldn't want to wash away those awesome memories.. =)
i guess i gotta thank that someone for giving me a beautiful period of time. no matter how short it was. =)
thank you. and i'll nv forget you. well.. i hope i can forget those not so great moments.. but thanks for giving me those awesome memories.. =)
not that you'll see this but it's for my benefit! who cares bout you... :D
anyway...through it all i grew up. and i was that girl who doesn't give a shit to anything but me and as long as i'm having fun i wun give anymore shit.
but now.. i'm pretty sure that i've become someone who gave a shit. and think bout things wayyyyy too much. =/ which in a way i guess it's good... and it made me grow up. ALOT.
as much as i would like to go back to that carefree not giving a shit life... i dun think it'll happen.
too much things have happened. i've heard way too much stuff to not give a shit.
i've been through way too much shit to not give any more shit.
and not giving any more shit makes me realise some things..
and realising some things makes me know what matters and what doesn't matters.
and i'm a different person now.
not much. but still different. in a good way i hope.
ohoh! and one last thing...
i'm proud to say that even though there's a bunch of things tt happened.. my believe in fate and "if he is the one he'll be the one" is still intact! :D
and yes. i'm proud of it.
SO! i'm gonna kill this blog.
aft 4 years and 7/8 mnths.
there's not much link. but there's lots of link to me.
but anyway...till never! :D
you know you love me. :D
those who matter doesn't care.
and those who care, doesn't matter.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

ok.. i'm like really bored.
but everyone seems to be busy with something or something...
and yes. i'm supposed to be busy too.
but i dun really care
cuz i'm in a holiday mood alr.
just give my thursday.
i wan my thursday!
been online shopping! which is baddddd.
and i can feel my purple streaks coming to meeeeee!
hahahahaha! i think i'm really going to do it.
either tt or chicken out in the last minute.
but i hope not. LALALALALALA!
heehee! i'm so bored right now.
and these few days i feel like i'm living inside a bubble.
i'm like... in my own world.
it feels... pretty awesome. hahaz!
but detatched to the world.
although i'm like THERE but not THERE.
hehehehe! i'm not making sense.

hahaz! totally man.
and i love orange and blue m&ms!
and knowing that you're able to finish one huge packet of m&ms is NOT a good thing.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Jolin Tsai - Dao Dai.
probably the only song i like from her... =/
and yes... i shld be freaking slping...
freaking presentation tmr. or maybe not.
and i think my body clock is getting screwed up.
ouh well.
not the first time.
ok.. it is free BUT STILL!
walauuuuu! =/
ANYWAY! hahaha! THANKS PIG! for everything! :D
thanks for not judging me. =)
LOL! i'm pretty sure you're gonna continue singing it later when i meet you again but ouh well...
and YOUM! i like telling you stuff! HAHA!
cuz you'll tell me the logical side that i always not see.
:D and i love you for tt!
dun wan disturb you only!
and i love you becuz you dun say i love you often!
which is a good thing cause when you say i love you or i miss you i know you mean it!
oh damn. i really need WWY on a daily basis.
a frequent basis is not even enough.
ouh well...
it's coming way too slowly!
but before tt there's still freaking accounts test to get over.. PIG! NEED HELP!
ok.. i better go before i become some cranky bitch later.
but it's ok. i dun need anymore words. they know it alr.. heehee! :D
maybe the happy ending is...just...
moving on.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
then plus another 3 more days of work and i'm gonna sleep till the sun burns my ass everyday!
shit. and i'm procrastinating.
this is baddddddd...
considering the fact that there's this shitass reprot which i have not even started and it's a hell lot of stuff to report on.
so things have been pretty shitty for the last week.
or the week before? or something like tt.
now i can't be bothered cuz shit is practically flying everywhere and it's hard to keep up with the mess.
anyway. i slept at 6am yestnight/thismorn. and woke up at 9.
how nice. i swear the whole day my vision could not focus and even when i'm texting all the keypad is blur and i'm texting subconsciously.
quite cool in a way. hahaz!
was re-reading The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. =)
for the..... idunnohowmanytimes.
it's like no matter how many times i read it.. i'll just realise something new.
and reading it makes me miss Wanyi Pig and Youm. =(
and the four frens in tt book reminded me of our friendship.
and somehow i realised tt Pig is something like Lena (in a way), Wanyi is like Tibby, Youm is like Carmen and i'm kinda like Bridget.
hahaz! you gotta read the book to know wad i mean.. :D
i dunno but Tibby reminds me of Wanyi.
the way Tibby loves her frens is something like how Wanyi loves us. i guess.
she doesn't show it often. and she's pretty much always sarcastic. hahaz!
Lena like Pig cause of the beauty i guess.
and the way she love that one person only.
i dunno... it doesn't make sense but somehow it makes sense too.
Carmen like Youm... hahaz! i dun really know why.
but i guess it's the way Carmen like to looks for signs. and she likes to overthink and feel things?
LOL! not in a bad way! in a good way i mean.. :D
i dunno.. i can't explain it!
and me like Bridget. i guess the thing i see me in her is that one moment Bee can be wayyyyy high and full of energy and the next moment she could be so lack of energy she dun even know what she's doing.
ouh well...
and no matter how often i see them it'll nv be enough.
it's like they're the only reason why i'm still sane despite all those shit.
and yes we argue and throw temper at each other (for my case) but underneath all that we know that we can't live without each other. (well for me it felt tt way but i'm pretty sure it's the same for them unless i'm wrong which i dun think i'm wrong...)
it's like even when i hate myself for doing some stuff they'll still love me.
and i dunno.. it's like plus my flaws and bitchiness, they love me even more.
and yes i think i'm openly confessing my love for them right here.
but wtheck... you can't blame me with just 3 hours of slp in my screwed up system.
and i better stop before Wanyi puke with all that mushiness and stops coming here just when she's getting the habit to. :D
cause some, who had lost everything, were still open to love.
while she, who had lost nothing,was not.
Sunday, July 18, 2010

it's totally reminds me of AWWY.
it's like all the bad shit blew up right in front of my face.
i've been really short tempered lately.. blowing off my top easily.. must be the pms..
and now's the chiong project season which adds into the already tensed situation.
how nice.
and as much as i love the rain... FK YOU RAIN! FK YOU!
it's like heaven is playing some sick games.
tt's fking twice damn it.
do you really have to?! SERIOUSLY?
oh c'mon! all we want is the fun, sun and bitch`.
and wow! it's just one more mnth!
till i'll jet off to US of A! :D
i'm looking forward to it so at least i can get out of this shithole for awhile.
i have no idea wad to expect there.. and i hope as hell tt it's something pleasant...
World Cup is over. and it doesn't feel like it's less than a week since it's over..
it felt like eons ago.. =/
i kinda missed the screwed up feeling when you wake up aft just 3 hours of slp.
and those sneaking out.
apparently my parents know tt i sneaked out.
just tt they're too nice to say so... :D
hahaz! at least i din get grounded or anything..
ouh well...

and damn.... i'd like one kiss from you too please? :D
hahaz! oh damn... they're too hot for tt football pitch...
hey! i think you'll look good in my bed... how bout tt?! :D
anyway. i think there's enough bad shit for this sem to last a whole lifetime...
and next sem is a really important and i'm gonna pray everyday tt it's not gonna be a screw up.. =/
i think i'll need to start investing in three alarm clocks.
and tune my body clock to slp at 10:30pm everyday.
i wonder if tt will ever happen.
kinda looking forward to next week actually.. =)
yes.. presentations and quizzes coming up.. but i'll handle it..whether i like it or not..
but we gotta get through the shit to get to the awesome stuff right? :D
you sweep all the bad stuff under your bed where you can't see it.
and you accumulate all those bad shit under your bed till you can't shove any more bad stuff in there.
and that's when you have no choice but to get all that bad shit out
but by that time, it'll just be unrepairable.
oh honey, don't look at me that way.
i'm just doing what you always to do.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
hahaz! the video.. :D
youm! HOT EH?! :D he so cuteeeeee!
LOL! and he JUST JUST JUST have to sing half naked!
and not to mention Dara... SUPER PRETTY CAN?!
anyway...went out with Kent Wenliang and Karen yest! :D
heehee! watched Despicable Me! :D
"it's so fluffy! i'm gonna die!"
hahahahahahaha! FREAK! she's damn cuteeeeeeee!
aft tt went to Parkway to get our PAYYYYYYY! :D
heehee! at least now my bank isn't looking too pathetic.. =)
waited for Wenliang for SUPER DUPER LOOOOOOOONG..
managed to not faint due to hunger while waiting for him...
heehee! then walked ALL THE WAY from Parkway to Lagoon!
farrrrrr... but still awesome if you're walking with a bunch of awesome ppl.. heehee!
reached there and the bloody wan ton mee stall nv opennnnn!! =(
me and kent was damn sad lahz!
then have to eat hokkien mee in the end.. =(
but it's ok! at least there's still chicken wing and satay and STINGRAYYYYY! muahahahahahahahaha!
heehee! then went to find a place to play Monopoly DEAL! :D
hahaz! happily won them... WHEEEEEE!
then camwhored a wee bit and walked back to Parkway..
bloody hell! karen screamed and the whole bus was looking at us..
scary shit.
was one hell of an awesome day.. =)
and becuz of them... i'm feeling fine..
heehee! let's just hope the feeling doesn't come back again..
SPAIN vs Holland tmr! :D
can't waitttt!
although i'm gonna watch it alone...
poor me... dad doesn't wanna acc me watch! =(
ouh well...
got a bad feeling Holland will win though..
maybe i shld put 5 bucks on Holland.. hmmmm...
shall think bout it...
byeeeeeeeeee! :D
Friday, July 9, 2010
was so happy! didn't even mind tt i lost 10bucks just like tt.
and i've come to a conclusion tt i can never bet soccer cuz whoever i bet on would freaking loses.
but come to think of it... maybe i shld start betting on manure so they would lose!
hahaz! not a bad idea huh?
anyway! was like this dead zombie walking around in school today.
it felt like i was sleep walking and everything feels surreal... =/
slept in lectures and even when i'm not sleeping i'm not listening either.
this is bad... real bad.. =/
but ouh well.. it's once every four years!
so it's ok! hahaz! :D
looking forward to the finals!
although i have a very bad feeling.. =/
ouh well... shall see bout it!
and i'm really really seriously starting to regret the decision i made.
and it doesn't really help when my heart doesn't know what it wants.
it's in a huge ass dilemma right now..
shld i just screw wad i'm feeling and let time do it's work or shld i do something bout it so i would at least fill the emptiness tt i've been feeling for quite some time?
but then again... doing something bout it isn't as easy as it seems...
and i dun even know if it's worth it.
it feels so screwed up.
but at least from this i more or less realised some stuff... =/
even though it's not wad i want to realise but ouh well..
it's better than not knowing.
okok.. this is getting kinda confusing.
snap out of it alison!
you got lots more stuff to do!
ARGHHH! bad bad bad....
oh! and i just gotta mention this..
but Elvin Ng looks damn hot in the new 9 o'clock show...
hahahaha! and he just sets my tv on fire whenever there's a commercial break...
cuz he'll be bathing half naked and soaping his oh-so-awesome abs in front of me.
HEEHEEHEEHEE! he's cute ok?!
and i like it when he and felicia chin are tgt.. SO SWEEEEET! :D
hahaz! fine... i'll stop it. :D
ahhhhh... zombiefied ttm. =/
bye! :D
Thursday, July 8, 2010
freaking excited!! heehee!
it feels like it's the finals instead of the semi-finals!
either team wins i'll be a happy girl! hahaz!
can't waitttttttttt! it's only one and a half hour more! :D
i'm gonna screw those projects and not do anything but wait for the match to start!
hahaz! can't concentrate anyway!
LOL! every conversation tt we had today was linked to soccer and betting and everything.
hahaz! even when conversations had nth to do with it it'll still be linked back to soccer and betting.
LOL! it's amazing how we can be so focused on one thing and one thing only. :D
i'm kinda tired right now.. but it's ok! i shall survive on tt 3 hours of sleep!
i'm gonna do it then be zombiefied tmr! =)
jiayou alison! :D
anyway! Yueming kor's wedding on saturday!
it was ok i guess... wasn't as awesome as i thot it would be..
maybe becuz erjie and gladwin weren't there tgt with us.
and it was kinda spoilt by one of the uncle.. =/
BUT nevertheless! it's still pretty awesome considering the fact tt everything was in a rush!
went over the night before... to "help out" and everything.
hahaz! slept at 2plus and woke up at 4plus am to see kor prepare to go out and fetch the bride over.. :D
he looks damn good in tt white tux man! :D
aft seeing him go off to fetch his soon to be bride i went back to sleep again!
slept like a dead pig aft tt.. then woke up two hours later cuz kor fetched his bride over le!
so prettyyyyy! heehee!
and i din know tt family members have to stay in the room when the bride enters the house!
and have to stay in the room until the bride goes into the room ... only then can they come out of the room and start the ceremony.
LOL! cool eh! they say like tt so tt there wun be any conflicts aft tt when they live tgt..
hmmm... ouh well! :D
then the tea ceremony! hahaz!
me and dajie helped out by bringing the teas over.. coooool! :D
heehee! hmmm.. then not much le lahz... aft tt the bride and groom went back to the bride's home for another tea ceremony and i slept abit more.. =)

handsome huh?! :D

hahaz! my cute niece and nephew!

LOL! ♥
till whenever! :D
SPAIN FTW! gogo!!
damn, i wish i would've seen it coming.
cause i blinked for a second and you caught me slipping.
now we're done before we even started.
didn't know how i much i miss you...
Friday, July 2, 2010
And it’s hard to watch things change, when all you want is for them to stay the same. It’s crazy when you want to let go, but you keep holding on, and you want to move on, but you’re stuck right where you started. When feeling’s come and go and you can’t decide what you want.When you have so many things to say, but you don’t know where to start. When you want them in your life so bad, but all you can do is push them further and further away.
It’s so hard to think back to how things used to be, and look at it now and realize that things are different and they may never be the same again. You tell yourself it’s not worth it, but if it really didn’t matter, you wouldn’t spend so much time thinking about it.
yepp! pretty much wad i'm feeling right now.
there's like a bunch of things i would like to say but a it's a bunch of things that i can't say it out.
i have no idea exactly wad i want right now.
and it's getting pretty bad.
i'm like on an emotional rollercoaster.
one minute i'm fine with everything.. the next i'll go and start thinking and screw myself up.
i'm weird.
like really.. =/
ANYWAY! can't wait for tmr! :D
hahaz! gonna meet the girlsssssss!
and oh my god i just realised tt tmr it's the first tym tt we're going to a beach tgt! like for real! :D :D
oh oh! then Yueming kor kor's wedding is on saturdayyyyy!
i can't wait too!
hahaz! it's gonna be awesome man! :D :D
i'm gonna be a calefare THE WHOLE DAY!
tea ceremony...ROM...wedding dinner..
heehee! gonna camwhoreeeeeeeee!
byeeeee! :D :D
i shall get over wad i'm feeling soon...
i have to. =/
you're my only hope left!
Saturday, June 26, 2010

i'm so freaking looking forward to it man!!
and Taeyang's album! AHHHHHH!
it's coming soon! SOOOOOOON!
thinking of buying his album.. :D
i think it's worth it lehz.... he's just AWESOME.
ANYWAY! gonna give Spain vs Chile match a miss.. =/
although i really really really superbly wants to watch it.. but i'm too tired.. =/
ouh well...
let's just hope they win! :D
anyway... been sick for the pass couple of days.. =/
been a long time since i've been this sick..
fever's being a stubborn bitch and it keeps coming back.
ouh well....
and speaking of stubborn..
i guess my heart is kinda stubborn too...
as much as i would like something to happen...it doesn't happen.
there's no butterflies in the stomach and oh-my-god-why-is-my-heart-beating-so-damn-fast feel with him.
guess it just wasn't meant to be.
knew it wouldn't be tt easy to find one.
gonna just quietly wait bahz... =)
not the first time anyway...
to bed! :D
Too often, the thing you want most is the one thing you can’t have. Desire leaves us heartbroken, it wears us out. Desire can wreck your life. But as tough as wanting something can be, the people who suffer the most, are those who don’t know what they want.
-Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
Nothing was going to be ordinary again, and both of them knew it. You could patch up whatever was broken, but if you were the one who had fixed it, you’d always know in your heart where the fault lines lay.
-Jodi Picoult
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
world cup is getting pretty awesome. :D
and sneaking out in the middle of the night is getting much more fun.
the rush of the adrenaline when you have to open the door and main gate quietly..
anyway... calvin and hobbes! :D
i love these two strips. heehee!

gosh... i'm in love with calvin.. hahaz!
he's just so cynical and totally in his own world and mind..
anyway... gonna have something big tmr.. =/
not sure wad i'm feeling.
ouh well..
let nature takes it's course.. =)
getting back results...
=/ not been doing well this time round.
it's ok.. gonna pull up my socks!
damn... my gpa is gonna be so sucky.. =/
i like to see them play..
it's so smooth flowing..
totally different frm Liverpool...
Liverpool play till damn shitty it's getting very pek check..
and those spanish guys is seriously heating up the pitch man...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
for the first time of my entire 18 years of my life... i sneaked out of the house in the middle of the night to watch football.
it was so freaking scary but damn cool at the same time!
it's like.. OH MY GOD! i dunno how to explain to you!
yes i know.. it's just England vs USA. but still...
it's the first england match in world cup 2010.
i'm not going to miss it!
and even though i know tt England won't win the world cup this time just the thot of seeing Gerrard play is more than enough motivation for me to break all the rules.
and yes i know. the stupid god damn goalkeeper spoilt a totally awesome night.
but it's ok.. at least Gerrard stripped off his shirt and walked arnd half naked aft the match. and not to mention the goal scored was from him and so early too!
was super pissed off with England but then aft seeing Gerrard walking arnd half naked not tt pissed alr lah..
LOL!! i sound like a perv.. =/
heehee! my husband lehhh! :D
ok i shld stop it.
i cycled all the way from my house to Lewis's house!
it's freaking far! and the freaking upslope is not helping!
if i wanna watch another football match i'm not going to his house alr!
die also go ehub.. DON'T CARE!
although the ride back was quite cool lahz.. BUT STILL!
but i still appreciate it Lewis! THANKS! :D
and oh man.. i realised tt ever since i've hit 18 i've become this person who don't give a freaking shit about the rules!
and tt's bad.
it's like i'm going crazy and breaking every single rules tt as been set!
shit. i need someone to stop me.
if not i'll go haywire. =/
ouh well!
and damnnnn i'm super busy this holiday!
i hardly got the chance to go out WWY!
even though i just went out with youm and pig lahz..
but still! it's not the same! =/
and pig is still so busy thx to the projects.. =/
it's ok!
damn.... it's gonna be a busy week ahead.
work from wednesday onwards.
think money!
got money means more money to shop!
maybe shun bian can shop while working too..
heehee! niceeeee.. :D
suddenly feel super tired.
like a whole bunch of things for me to do but i dunno wad.
just tt there's alot.
it's ok...
nth a slp can't handle! :D
never allow someone to be your priority while allowing themselves to be their option.
-Mark Twain
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010
hahaz! it's seriously the best birthday ever in my whole 18 years. =)
and oh my god i'm seriously seriously touched. :D
thanks all of you guys for making this the best birthday ever!
hahaz! i love you guyssssss! :D
since it's the best birthday ever.. i shall do a dedicated post! :D wheeeeee!

really really really have to thank her. =)
hahaz! you're really damn awesome. and i want you to know tt. :D
and it's not because you gave me all that presents. it has totally nth to do with the gifts you gave me... but it's because you went all the way out just to make my birthday so memorable..
also you have been there all these time ever since i've known you and have always supported me in whatever i do.. =)
thousands and millions of hugs and kisses! :D

WWY!! :D :D
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

screw MCT. it's retarded shit.
i'm seriously sleep deprived now. haiz..
i shldn't even be blogging right now... but still.
anyway! second sissy went off to USA this morning! =)
it's really awesome how she could travel and everything.
most probably going to find her during august! WHOOOO! :D
gonna save LOTS of moneyyyy!
i dun tink i'll miss her tt much though.. since i've been pretty used to her travelling so many times and 3 mnths of not seeing her is fine i guess.
looking on the bright side... at least i have TWO beds to roll about now!
hahaz! normally she would just take up HALF of my bed lorhz.. leaving me with a small space to slp.. =(
not to mention the clothes i can wear without asking her... hiak hiak!
awesome. =)
3 mnths will be over soon lahz... heehee!
anyway... things have been pretty ok i guess..
think we sort of adapted to the new status... if we haven... well.. we're in the process of doing it.
but it doesn't mean tt we can forget bout everything though. it's just that we're reluctantly accepting the fact. not all..but some of them anyway. we have to. whether we like it or not. =/
ouh well.
2 more weeks! =) until term tests!
hahaz! sort of looking forward to term tests for all the WRONG reasons.
LOL! actually there's only one reason.. hahaz! but it's enough.
and i guess i dun think i'll have my happy ending at all.
been thinking quite alot about it.
the possibility of it happening is just so slim. =/
but it's ok.
i'll learn to let go. sooner or later. =)
sometimes i really wish i know what's going on on the other side.
so that i will not feel that i'm hoping on something tt's of no end.
ANYWAY! bed! =)
nitez! :D
just because i didn't say anything does not mean that i don't mind at all.
i'm just merely acting like i know nothing so that you could be who you want to be.
even if it's just for awhile.
but don't ever expect me to accept that fact.
cause it will never happen.
not now. not tomorrow. not ever.
everytime i laugh, i hope he's watching. it is not because i want him to see me happy, but because maybe, just maybe, he will fall for my smile as hard as i fell for his.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Its okay. Its okay to want someone you can’t have. Its okay to want something
more. Its okay to cry when you’re hurt, and its okay to stay mad at someone who
hurt you. Believe it or not, its always going to be okay. Thats just how life
works. Sometimes things don’t work out how you want them to, and most of the
time, it seems like they never will. But eventually, everything is going to iron
out in some way or another. You just have to believe, keep your faith, and learn
to move on.
lots of things are not going smoothly.
no.. i'm not talking bout me.
compared to what is happenning.. mine is seriously nothing. =/
i just have too many choices..
hahaz! but funny how i just want something that's not part of the choices. =/
guess tt's life. gotta accept it and no. not gonna move on yet.
i've still have not given myself tt chance and time yet.
i shall continue to believe no matter how hard it is.
what's mine shall be mine. :D
if it's not then too bad.
i really hope everything will get better.
things and problems to solve by themselves...
it's been a pretty bad semester.
let's just hope all the bad luck will stop soon cause i'm pretty sure all this bad luck we're getting could last us for the rest of the year.
we can't possibly expect sunshine everyday right?! :D
it'll be over before you know it.
and i need to seriously start studying.
i'm not getting anything done. =/
feel so screwed up.
that A shall be mineeeeeee!
heehee! :D
self motivation talk is retarded but useful... lolx!
and i realised tt i'm starting to make wishes on 11:11. =)
let's just hope it works. :D
love love!
have faith. =)
believe in love. cause it's true.
Monday, May 10, 2010
was pretty normal i guess..
i'm gonna starve myself this following week man...
ate so much good food my freaking fats are buldging.. =(
run.. i need to run... walk fly swim wadever. anything to get those fats off me.
i'm still feeling pretty screwed up.
but was at my best on saturday when i went to met youm and yi. :D
it's been a long time i just laughed out freaking loudly in a public place just cuz we're doing stupid random things. =D! hee!
there's like a load of things i wish i could say right now.
but things tt i'm going to say is going to have consequences.
bad or good? i'm still not sure.
let's just hope it'll solve be itself.
it's like going through it all over again.
just tt i'm starting frm the beginning...
unlike the previous time when i can't do anything cuz it has alr been done. =/
at least there's still time to salvage this.
or so i hope... =(
it isn't fair just cuz * happened.
and to put all we had at risk.
let's hope you come to your senses before things got worse.
cuz i sure as hell not gonna let you leave my life.
you're too important.
anyway! was looking thru tumblr the other day and OMG!
speaking of Peter Pan... YOUMINGGGG!

his eyes.... *melts into a puddle*
omg. those eyes are freaking sexy! if only he shaves... =/
he'll be so hot my whole computer will be on fire.. :D
LOL! daymnnnn! he's AWESOME.
and and and OMG!

gonna paint my nails purple soon.. hehehe!
ouh well....
i'll be looking out for you! <3
week 4! here i come!
you have no idea how much i wan to tell you that i like you right now.
it's like this big secret just waiting to burst out.
but i know i can't.
cause i know that if i do. you'll be gone forever.
and my daily dose of happiness will never be there.
and i hate you for that.
You know what’s worst than hell? Not telling that someone you like that you like
him. Then years have passed, knowing that he liked you too. The same time you
liked him back.
— Sir Cortel
Thursday, May 6, 2010

school's torturous.
some stuff is starting to get weird.. =/
i'm not getting my usual dose of awesomeness.
i miss wanyi REALLY ALOT. although meeting Love yesterday was pretty awesome and made me felt like things are right again. =)
people asked me why the hell am i reading so many romance novels even though i know every single one of them will have the same climax...story line and then the same happy ending...
i guess because it's the one thing in this life of mine that is the most constant and it would never really change?
and the happy endings and sweet endings gave me that flicker of hope when i thought all was lost...
that maybe one day i'll get my sweet happy ending.
what a simple word. yet causes so much havoc in one's life.
i really hate it when things change. people, situation, feelings.. anything and everything.
maybe tt's why i wish i'm Peter Pan.
to never grow up. and to not know so much things.
if you don't know lots of thing you won't know what has changed. right?
this is getting really bad.
and i shld get my much needed sleep.
don't be thinking of me, because even your fantasy of me, isn't interested in you.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
haha! thanks so much for everything you've given to me.
and thanks for making my life in poly awesome.
you're more awesome than you think you are and you stay happy always ok?
love youuuuuuu! :D
alina's birthday chalet yesterday.. =)
but sadly i was too tired to be damn high.. but it was still pretty awesome though.
hah! suck on thattttt! :D
decided not to stay and went home at 11plus cuz dad's home alone.. =/
felt bad to leave him alone at home when he just came back from cruise...
anyway..overnight mahjong on thursday night...
hahaz! played only one round of mahjong and then played poker all the way till 6+.
and i'm proud to say tt i've finally won money from Lewis!
Lewis! when you feel like getting ur hands tainted again then tell me!
hahaha! :D
pretty much died when i went to sch on friday..
slept the whole lesson of efund...
went home and slept for awhile more.. and went to the chalet and slept alot more.. =/
but now.. i have nth else to look forward to anymore..
no more freshie camp.. no more chalet...
just school and school and more school...=(
like no life only...
somemore i haven been seeing Pig Youm and Wy often enough.
esp Wy! felt like she disappeared from the faces of earth!
reappearing only to look for ppl to study with... =(
i miss her alot alot...
and even though i've just seen Pig and Youm on thursday it doesn't feel enough...
we din even do much anw...
just sit there and eat tt two awesome bowls of STICKY CHEWY CHOCOLATE and ROCKY ROAD.
it doesn't feel like the same... =(
we seriously need to meet up more often INCLUDING WY!
and i can't believe tt i'm saying this but i miss my mum... =/
the house feels weird without her...
and i think i'll probably regret saying this when she gets home... =/
cuz she will look at the state of the house and go on and on bout it...
ouh well...
till whenever! =)
You're only a teenager. You're not yet married, so go with the flow, laugh tons, use manners, and try something new. Will you just kiss him already? Trust your feelings, spend your cash, introduce yourself, take a chance, study hard, seek happiness, and regret nothing. Dont' laugh at people's dreams, make a wish on 11:11, challenge yourself, take pictures and appreciate the memories. You should make time to dance in your underwear, and learn from the past. Play dress up and then take all your clothes off. Have the time of your life.-ohitstuhreesh
Monday, April 26, 2010

tumblr have some pretty awesome stuff.. =)
i feel like i've just ran a marathon of marathons... =/
tired like mothef.
plus today was a hell of a bitch day. =(
it feels like all the bad karma exploded right in the face.
what's worse was those who was totally innocent and have totally nth to do with it also kena.
poor shits lah! walauuuuu.. pissed.
fudging hell.
freshie camp was ok i guess..
those wrong reasons tt made me looked forward to it didn't happened.. =/
pretty screwed up actually...
aft freshie camp went back home to slp for a pathetic one and a half hour...
then chionged to meet kevin jingyu wendy and suhui...
feel so bad..was supposed to meet them at 4 but i woke up at 4.. =/
bought all the ingredients and went to crystalla's house...
started eating before everyoone else cuz i was so bloody hungryyyyy..
it was pretty awesome to see them all again... :D
as usual i ate like nobody's business and even though i said i'm freaking full i still continued eating like i'm freaking hungry for the next two hours.. =/
hahaz! aft the whole steamboat we went to Ice Cream Chefs!
tt tub of Chocolate & Hersheys + Cookie Dough + Nutella Delight with Maltesers and Cookie Crips mix in was FREAKING TOTALLY AWESOMEEEE!
camwhored aft tt.. heehee!
missed those guys... can't believed it has alr been 5/6 years alr...
best cca clique ever. :D
and i still can't believed i shamelessly added this pretty cute freshie on facebook even though i only know him for two hours..
hahahahhaha! =D!
feel so stalkerish.. =/ but i likeeeee! heehee!
damn the sleep debt tt i'm accumulating.
plus with mum and dad out of town and there's no government at home i dun tink i'll be catching up with any slp.. =/
ouh well...
let's just hope i'll survive tt 4 hours of freaking MCT tmr..
bloody shit.
feel like a zombieeeeeeeeeeee.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

heehee! he so cute.
love his t-shirt.... I Must Not Kiss The Girls.
saw this pic frm steph's fb album. LOL!
anw... school's going by very slowly.. =(
i can't wait for friday.
then i can meet wy!
finally! aft like... A MONTH?!
bloody hell.. i think tt's the longest ever so far not seeing her ever since i noe her.. =(
miss her like shit.
friday. looking forward to it!
not to mention the freshie camp!
haha! ok.. i'll admit tt i'm looking forward to the camp for all the wrong reasons.
but still.
and i shld seriously stop eating tt frequently.
it's starting to freak myself out.
the amt of food i can shove down my throat at a short period of time is crazy.
i think something's wrong with me.
oh right! its' tt tym of mnth.
a visit to the park weekly is going to be neccessary.
and maybe the pool...heehee!
need to stop eatingggggggg.
speaking of which.. i ate TWO dinners today.
crap. bad bad bad.....
argh! wadever.
eat first think later!
byeeeeeeeeeee! :D
subtract your clothes, let's add a kiss.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
heehee. Hebe's DAMN CHIO. and Ella's DAMN CUTE.
the whole concert was pretty high too. wheeeeeee! :D
aft tt went out of indoor stadium and Mayday's concert was still on.
aft their concert still got fireworks lorh!
advantages of having it at National Stadium...
then Universal Studios on sunday.
was ok i guess.
the structures and buildings there are pretty awesome.
but the rides was quite disappointing though.. =/
feel so cheated when we queued for a ride for like 40plus freaking MINUTES just to ride some freaking 20plus SECONDS ride.
but the indoor rollercoaster was pretty awesome though.. heehee!
though i still feel the ride is quite short.. ouh well. =/
at least we only queued for it for 10 mins or so only.. :D
feels like i chionged and crammed as much fun as possible in the last few days of holi..
school started today anw...
was.... ok i guess?
tap tap during the first tutorial and lesson.. nice one...
slept in lecture too.. =)
quite normal though.. hahaz!
oh! and organisational communication cher is not bad though..
ahahahahaha! anyone laughing at the POS is someone likeable.
but school's kinda weird now tt there's no monday lunches with Piggo.
no one crashing my lecture... =(
i dun tink got any other chance to do tt alr lorh! walauuuuuuuuuu! =(
at least sch starts at 2pm tmrrrrrrrrrr! :D
or maybe not.
4 hours of hell.
note to self : bring jacket before i freeze to death.
i will survive the semester!
you can run but you can't hide.
heehee. Hebe's DAMN CHIO. and Ella's DAMN CUTE.
the whole concert was pretty high too. wheeeeeee! :D
aft tt went out of indoor stadium and Mayday's concert was still on.
aft their concert still got fireworks lorh!
advantages of having it at National Stadium...
then Universal Studios on sunday.
was ok i guess.
the structures and buildings there are pretty awesome.
but the rides was quite disappointing though.. =/
feel so cheated when we queued for a ride for like 40plus freaking MINUTES just to ride some freaking 20plus SECONDS ride.
but the indoor rollercoaster was pretty awesome though.. heehee!
though i still feel the ride is quite short.. ouh well. =/
at least we only queued for it for 10 mins or so only.. :D
feels like i chionged and crammed as much fun as possible in the last few days of holi..
school started today anw...
was.... ok i guess?
tap tap during the first tutorial and lesson.. nice one...
slept in lecture too.. =)
quite normal though.. hahaz!
oh! and organisational communication cher is not bad though..
ahahahahaha! anyone laughing at the POS is someone likeable.
but school's kinda weird now tt there's no monday lunches with Piggo.
no one crashing my lecture... =(
i dun tink got any other chance to do tt alr lorh! walauuuuuuuuuu! =(
at least sch starts at 2pm tmrrrrrrrrrr! :D
or maybe not.
4 hours of hell.
note to self : bring jacket before i freeze to death.
i will survive the semester!
you can run but you can't hide.