Sunday, December 11, 2011

life has been pretty hectic crazy and tiring.
every single day would be spent with meeting someone. and when i'm not.. i'll be busy catching up on my sleep... which is never the case.
youm's birthday just passed by in a flash.. maybe it's just me.. but it just feels like all of us are just so busy with our own lives. lots of problems that we had gone through or been through or going through but somehow we just doesn't tell each other anymore..
we hardly ever meet each other and when we do we just not say anything so that we doesn't really spoil the mood. and somehow tt just kinda change things between us.. maybe it's just me.. but it seems like the feeling when we're together isn't the same anymore..
guess the difference of our lives just caught up to us. but that's not to say that we don't think or love each other anymore.
all of us just been trying to cope with the changes. but then again... i guess we're just all counting on the fact that we're still gonna be there for each other no matter what happens.
life isn't going to be the same anymore. whether we like it or not.. it's gonna be different. whether i go to a uni or start working.. it'll still not be the same. growing up is a bitch.

constantly feeling so tired and sleep deprived.. when will i ever stop feeling like this! gosh... i need boosters or something...
sleeping 13 hours straight isn't working either! damnit.
had a pretty lazy but awesome weekend with babe. ^^
practically just sleeping through the weekend awayyyy!
need to get our ass out and moving... rollerblading, swimming, cycling...
healthy lifestyle! hehehehe! really really can't wait for christmas to comeeeee!
omg... not knowing who is gonna get me my christmas present is killing meeeeee! HAHAHAHAHA!
so excited! :D
and love is gonna be away for three weeeeeeks! omg.
i'm gonna just die. one more less sms partner when i'm bored at workkkk! =(
sobs. it's alright. i'll survive! =)
let's get me some more sleep.
love love! :D

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