a quickie before i go start studying! heh.
19th birthday was AWESOMEEEE!
got shitloads of presents! ohmygod. dun need to buy all those necessities for a year alr!
and ohmygod kpop wave concert!
bigbanggggg! *excited!
sorry yi and youm that i'm not able to spend as much time with you guys as i would like! =/
so sorry! but thanks for everything! thanks for coming all the way down to TP and find meeeee! :D
really really love you guys! and thanks pig! for making time to celebrate my birthday for me even though you're so busy! :D <3
i miss you guys already! =( gotta study for termtest.. dun think got time to meet up liao.. =(
and after term test is work! haiz.. hopefully our off days would be the same!
and love! hahaha! a failed attempt to give me a surprise to marina barrage. but still a worthy attempt..
LOL! was the first time going to marina barrage! played sparklessssssss! <3
ate junk food. talk cock. camwhored. took polaroids. hehehe!
it was a pretty awesome night! :D
oh! and of course.. alina. ohmygod. where do i even begin?!
said thanks to her for i dunno how many times alr! and it still doesn't feel like it's enough!
made me 900 hearts and stars. kpop wave concert ticket. Porter wallet. helped babe with all that stuff! got me all those presents from the clique.
gosh. owe her big time! =/
heh. and babe!
gosh. I LOVE THE WATCHHHH! hehehehe! :D
but it ticks superrrrr loud! i can hear it ticking now! and it's like 50cm away from me!
but i still love it! THANK YOU! <3
and saturday was just a freaking awesome day!
thanks so so so much! hehehe! hangover part 2. cable car ride. underwater world. walk on the beach. and dinner! ohmygod. we still haven walk to Henderson's Wave!
thanks a bazillion for making my birthday so freaking AWESOME!
super double duper extremely love you! =)
hahaha! so much for a quickie!
alright! i miss you girlz! =/ must meet up soon alright?
love love!
shall study hard for term tests and prove my mum wrong!
can't believe she dreamt tt i failed.
okok.. better go study before i made tt dream come true.
you know i love you! :D