you ripped out all that i have.
not feeling myself.
felt a lil bit cheated and betrayed. and felt complied to do something against my will.
hiding behind a book so that there's a last sanctuary for me in this place.
crying my heart out at sentimental bits of the story to give a reason for the tears i poured.
the past came to the present and even though it's been a long time i can't help wondering and wishing for another end to the story. =/
learning something new yest is not helping the nerves if or when i'm going to see him.
he shldn't be able to have that much of effect on me even aft all these years.
but apparently he did.
tomorrow. i'll probably meet him again.
if only i'm a psychic. i'll noe wad he thinks.
and so i wun have to ask those questions tt's been burning inside me all these years. =/
hate it to know that i still actually care wad he thinks.
f off man...get out of my head!
this is getting retarded.
i'll go back to my happily ever after in the fantasy world.
at least it gives me a bit of hope.
all the hope in the world seemed to be sucked out of my world.
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