tumblr have some pretty awesome stuff.. =)
i feel like i've just ran a marathon of marathons... =/
tired like mothef.
plus today was a hell of a bitch day. =(
it feels like all the bad karma exploded right in the face.
what's worse was those who was totally innocent and have totally nth to do with it also kena.
poor shits lah! walauuuuu.. pissed.
fudging hell.
freshie camp was ok i guess..
those wrong reasons tt made me looked forward to it didn't happened.. =/
pretty screwed up actually...
aft freshie camp went back home to slp for a pathetic one and a half hour...
then chionged to meet kevin jingyu wendy and suhui...
feel so bad..was supposed to meet them at 4 but i woke up at 4.. =/
bought all the ingredients and went to crystalla's house...
started eating before everyoone else cuz i was so bloody hungryyyyy..
it was pretty awesome to see them all again... :D
as usual i ate like nobody's business and even though i said i'm freaking full i still continued eating like i'm freaking hungry for the next two hours.. =/
hahaz! aft the whole steamboat we went to Ice Cream Chefs!
tt tub of Chocolate & Hersheys + Cookie Dough + Nutella Delight with Maltesers and Cookie Crips mix in was FREAKING TOTALLY AWESOMEEEE!
camwhored aft tt.. heehee!
missed those guys... can't believed it has alr been 5/6 years alr...
best cca clique ever. :D
and i still can't believed i shamelessly added this pretty cute freshie on facebook even though i only know him for two hours..
hahahahhaha! =D!
feel so stalkerish.. =/ but i likeeeee! heehee!
damn the sleep debt tt i'm accumulating.
plus with mum and dad out of town and there's no government at home i dun tink i'll be catching up with any slp.. =/
ouh well...
let's just hope i'll survive tt 4 hours of freaking MCT tmr..
bloody shit.
feel like a zombieeeeeeeeeeee.