was just tinking of goin there and hav fun.
hahaz! never knew tt there was this CIP thingy. LOL!
ouh well..had fun anw! =) selling BALLoons!
heehee! i tink lots of them thinks i'm nuts and are prolly scared of me now...
hahaz! PICTURES up ahead!!! heehee! and ONE SUPER DUPER CUTE one!!!
omg! you HAVE to see!
oh! bad hair day tt day. have a super huge urge to put a smiley face on my face.
but then too lazy...just ignore it and focus on other ppl... or BALLoons! =D!
HAHA! my junior! =D! he grew!!! omg. and i confess...i tiptoed while taking the pic...if not i'll be abt the same height. zzz.. i HATE it when guys GROW and girls are freaking STUCK!
and she NEVER tell me when she go off!!!
Husband. Youm. Pig. =D!
pig is sooooo shamelessly showing off her BALLoon flower.
hee! =D! and i'm not the only one whose eyes disappear when they SMILE!! WHOHOO!!
HEART BALLoons!! ahem. $1.50 each can?!?!
saw her first tym when she was walking pass... then saw her again when selling BALLoons. and i just HAD to take picture with her!!!
omg!!! she's soooo cute i'll DATE her or even JIO her if i'm a guy!!!
and if you can't see...she's pretty tiny in size too..hahaz!
which make her EVEN MORE CUTE!!
omg. i'll marry her! if i were a boy....
eh! touch my fats need pay money you noe?!?!?!

heehee!! last one... SHE IS DAMN CUTE! she's pretty sweet too...
heehee!! last one... SHE IS DAMN CUTE! she's pretty sweet too...
at least for tt short period of time talking to her. heehee.
bet she'll cause lots of heartbreaks. HAHAHAHA! =D!
those dimples are KILLER!!! omg.
heehee! she's so CUTEEEEEEEEEE!!!
okok..i shall stop it...anw...apparently there's some memo saying wear RED or PINK.
but then we(pig and me) din get it...
and went to sch and got shocked (for me only) cuz the GUYS were wearing freaking PINK.
and they look GAY. and those who alr look GAY looks GAYER.
LOL! wad? so i dun like guys wearing PINK... big deal?
it just looks WRONG.
and wierd...ouh well...anw!! had super lots of fun and oh ya!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! like finally..omg...
ahhhhh! and i miss playing Captains Ball!!!!!
i wan to plaaaaaaaaay!
one last thing... Champs League Quarter Final!
omg...does it always have to be Liverpool vs Chelsea?
it's getting boring!
can't we have a diff opponent for once?!
it's been three freaking seasons alr!
wth...nevertheless...manu and arsnl got such easy draws...
zzz...this is soooo NOT fair!
ah wadever. we better win this.
or i'll dunno do wad...prolly go crazy or something...
maybe i shld change my name to ATorres instead of AGerrard...
hmmm... wad do you tink? hee!
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