and post pictures!
hahaz! cuz i tell myself tt the NEXT post i hav to post bout the trip! if not i shall not blog! so...since i'm waiting for the liverpool match against stoke city to start so i can watch the gamecast...
i shall start postin! =)
let's do it city by city! heehee!
so Norway first! =)
soooo let's start!
well took 16 hours of flight and finally reach Norway! =)
transited at Amsterdam for awhile.
was surprised tt we do not need to chop or see passport when we go out of the airport.
you just happily walk out of the arrival centre and tt's it.
hahaz! saw erjie and was super happy! 5 mnths plus hello?!
then took train to her hostel...hahaz! i swear the transport is damn bloody ex!
anw...when we reached was my dad's birthday...
so my sis cooked white skinned chicken esp for my dad! =D!
but i forgot to take yea...
then we had cake! hahaz! the cake is damn nice! it's called Almondy.
i LOVE it! but kinda aft eatin a piece you'll hav enough.

the area where we're staying.

the dining room or something.

then the next day we went out and walked to some park tt i forgot the name.
hahaz! and the park is damn big! there's like 6 parts of the park...
and it's filled with statues. ok not filled...but LOTS of statues...

mum and dad! =)

hahaz! first take! PERFECT! =D!
then the next day we went to the Royal Palace which somehow doesn't look royal nor a palace.
there are more pictures..but lazy lahz...heehee!
then we went to sis's school.but it was close so we just see the outside of it.
i can't rmb if it's on the same day but either tt or the next day.

somewhere near sis's sch...
then we went to the er...crap i forgot where is this...
if i'm not wrong it's the Parliament...
hahaz! it looks grander than the Royal Palace anyway.

and see! proof that it's COLD!!
then we walked to this little park in front of the Parliament house and there's an open air skating rink!
can you see someone skating there? hahaz! quite cool!
it's fake though. can't really see the shape.
then the next day it was x'mas day! =) went to the lake that is near to the hostel...
on the way there there's this skating rink...and LOTS of family were there to skate and play ice hockey! and it looks really really fun! too bad we dun hav skates...
anyway...cuz it was super cold...the WHOLE lake was frozen and the end product is...
and if you fall...well hallelujah! it gonna hurt like BADLY.
and to show you the diff...this is wad it looks like when my sis just went there...hahaz!
hahaz! sis took this mat thingy frm the child care centre in front of her hostel...hahaz!
and well..since we had it...make full use of it! =D!
our very own reindeer!
even when the lake is frozen...
oh! and did i mention that cause it's means the lake is covered of bird shits and dog shits?
yepp. ok. not really covered..but there are bird shits like everywhere...
and becuz norwegians LOVE dogs...they bring their dog everywhere and well..they pooped on it and VIOLA!

that's Penguin in the back ground.

soooooo...shall entertain you guys with my sis's sexy butt! lolx!
she's gonna slaughter me.
oh! when we walked to THE OTHER end of the lake...which took us like half an hour or so...there's this part of it where it's not frozen completely yet...hahaz! it's just a layer of thin ice and water underneath it... heehee..kinda cool!

lolx! mum and dad on the mat while penguin and erjie PUUUUUUULL!

hahaz! did i mention the bird shits? lolx!

hahaz!! penguin made me take tt shot.
oh! then penguin took this ice rock lying on the lake. hahaz! and gave it to erjie.
hahaz! sort of like a diamond ring...
sis was like... zzz...then she took it and see it carefully..and HEY!
there's this rainbow thingy! hahaz! it's pretty...and it only appear at a specific spot.
kinda cool...heehee
oh! then there's this snow heap on the way to the lake..lolx! and we played on it!
hahaz! you see the holes at the side of the slope there? well... the mat i sat on once went slanted and my butt is going over the holes!
and MAN! it hurts! hahaz! thank god my butt hav cushion!
lolx! but it was damn fun anw...heehee!

on the way to the lake there's this little stream...
and it's not frozen yet..
but then we notice like icicles(?) on the nearby branches...
the water got on to the brach and it got frozen...
and you noe wad? the skies there are REALLY REALLY beautiful. like seriously.
i have one photo of the sky PURPLE. but i can't find it right now...tink it's in the memory card... short it's SUPER PRETTY and every day the skies amazes me with the colours it forms.
and last PICTURE of the POST!
hahaz! penguin took this BIG snow ball which happens to be frozen.
then tried weight lifting it...and DAMN! it's heavy! like seriously...hahaz!
so he wanted me to take this picture to show that he is MANLY! hiak hiak!
i got to upload pictures two by two!
cuz if i upload three at one time...the bloody thin stucks!
well..anw...FINALLY! =)
more to come..but i shall take my time...omg! there's still so many pictures!
okie then!
gotta slp! meeting WY at 1.30! and i can't be late if not there goes my one buck! heehee.
bye loved ones! muackz! =D!
bye loved ones! muackz! =D!
omg! cuz i took like 3 days to get this post up...the date was late...and it freaked me out tt it was not posted when i din saw it! but thank god..heehee..PHEW!
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