late at night and nth better to do and i just had to go look through the old photos.
it just brings back so much memories. Krabi trip, Laos! omg. and so much old photos with WWY. and i wasn't that fat before. oh god. it just makes me miss all those times! oh god. and now all there is left is just hall stuff. i mean i have fun and everything. but it's still not the same as before. poly time was where i had my fun. my life. i love it. and i miss every single thing about it. nothing is just the same. things change. and uni sucks and hall just feels like this fake place in my life that i try to make things look happier than it seem cause the rest of my life sucks and it's the only place where i can make it feel like things are alright again.
i dunno. i'm only two and a half years left with uni. i hope i can get through it. and if somehow or rather i'm able to make uni life awesome then tt's good. but no matter how awesome it is i know that it would never be the same as poly. at this moment i just wish i can tell everyone in my poly life that make it so awesome that i miss them right now.
okay just saying.