5 more weeks till school is officially over! =) jiayou alison hang in there. for now your regiment shall be wake up go school, GO FOR ALL LECTURES (stop skipping lectures) go back hall and sleep then wake up do miscellaneous important hall stuff and start studying again till late then sleep. you know you can do it. it's just 5 more weeks. =) and know that you're not alone. what you're going through there are hundreds of other people going through the same thing too. you may not be the brightest but remember that you're not the worst either. i hope. haha! i really hope that i am not one of those lousy students. but it's ok. have faith. just work hard and you'll be able to get the results you want. let's just really hope and pray that i would not fail any modules. you can do better. =) believe in urself. let's go! 3 more weeks of school then exam break and let the games begin. >:D
be strong. i'm not alone in this. =)