Thursday, January 19, 2012

be it pms or my attitude change or my tolerance level has decrease... fk everything.
having a sister being such a fking pain in the ass bitch.
it's like no one can control her anymore and she know the fact and she just doesn't give a shit about other ppl's feelings at all. she does wad she want and even mum and dad can't do anything bout her.
wants to give her a tight slap to wake her up but i guess no one dares to for god knows what reason.
one day i would really pluck up the courage to do so. fk the fact tt i'm the youngest and with the least say in anything.
just cause she thinks tt she has money she can do anything.
both my sisters doesn't even care a shit about the house and all that do is just keep nagging. they don't even have the slightest right to nag at me.
fking fked up sister. what was i even thinking.. hoping tt she come back..
just three days into her return and she fks everything up alr.

just feels like everyone wants a piece of me..
i'm not saying tt i'm great or wad...
but it just seem like when everyone is having a bad period they just come to me like i can make magic and make everything better.
and when i say something and nobody hear or heeds wad i say they would just continue complaining that they life sucks and blah blah blah what not.
you don't like somethign that happen in ur life?
if you don't want to do anything about it dun come and tell me and ask me for advice.
what the fuck you want me to do?!

omg. fking hell. been sometime since i'm this pissed.
fk it.