i'm scared. like scared shitless.
ok...so not really shitless. cuz aft hearing the news i was so scared my stomach hurt tt i went to shit.
but still. you get wad i mean.
i'm really not going to ask for much.
just hope tt everything's going to be fine and that there's still a long way ahead for him.
ok..so it may be sort of a little too much. but isn't tt wad we all hope for anyway?
i'm gonna think freaking positive and not cry anymore.
or i'll try not to anyway.
somehow the tears came happily like no one's buisness.
it's been a long tym tt it have been so out of control and a long tym since i cried in front of him.
i just want everything to be ok.
anyway. on a lighter note...
i finally watched the proposal!
hehehe! like finally! and it's AWESOME!
okok... rewind abit.
first went to meet karen at orchard..was like horribly late...guilty.
aft tt we went shopping at fareast!
hahaz! orchard sort of changed thanks to ion. and i was abit lost aft coming out of the mrt...
zzz. anyway. we didn't really had much shopping mood so before we head to ion we went into this shop selling tank top and everything.
then we were buying like 4 tops at once and then the sales girl there was like super nice and i think the boss(another woman) is quite a bitch and the sales girl actually helped us bluff her boss and we only paid like 20 bucks for tt 4 tops which is actually supposed to cost like 47bucks.
i'm not kidding.
LIKE SERIOUSLY! hahahaha! then me and karen was like so shock tt aft paying tt 20 bucks we went out of the shop and walked super fast towards ion.
AND AND AND OMG! ion have freaking lots of good FOOD!
ahhhhhhhhhhhh! it's like a torture..you walk arnd the basement and all tt food looking at you but you just can't buy it cause it's freaking ex. =(
i hate you food! i hate you!
make me hungry! =(
anyway...ion is apparently so big tt you can't find a toilet.
they can have all the damn brands but you just can't the damn toilet.
zzz. aft tt trained down to tampines to find HUSBAND! =D!
hehehe! i was even early lahz! then mos burger-ed.
and guys wonder why girls have all those fantasy when all these chick flicks just pretty much plant the idea into our heads.
hahaz! aft the movie we din feel like going home so early so went to fish & co. to chill...
MY CHOCKIE JUNKIE! =D!!!! and and the chocolate fudge ice cream.
omg. it's freaking sinful but damn good anyway.
hahahz! I LIKEY!
sort of cam-whored then went off alr.
OH YA! and husband gave me part of my birthday present. which is a laminated photocopy of our marriage cert.
it's like seriously dumb but wth. when were we ever intelligent in the first place.
had fun though. been a long tym since we meet up and had fun.. WEEEEEEEEEE! =D!

husband complained why the century is bigger than the movie name.
quite dumb actually.